Memory Watcher is a programmer utility. It shows DS memory information while a program is executing. No longer do you have to make an educated guess as to how much stack to allocate for your Windows program. Memory Watcher will show you how much you have allocated and how much is really being used. Memory Watcher will also give a detailed breakdown of memory usage in the DS. Installing Memory Watcher: Simply copy the file MEMWATCH.EXE to any location on your hard disk drive. Memory Watcher does not use any external files, so it does not matter where it is installed. It may be run from floppy diskette. Credits: Memory Watcher was originally inspired by HeapPeep, a utility by Chiverton Graphics, Inc. Their function dss_walk() was used almost as is in Memory Watcher. My complaint about HeapPeek was that it was very pretty, with nice graphics and fancy displays. The problem was it liked to run almost full screen. If you made the window smaller, the fonts used to tell you what was going on became so small they were unreadable. I don't use HeapPeek because of this. Memory Watcher gives the same information, but no graphs. It also has an "Always On Top" feature which allows you keep Memory Watcher on top of other windows while it is running. Using Memory Watcher: Simple. Just start it and click on any other window. The active window will be "watched" and it will be this programs (yours usually) whose memory usage will be displayed. If you want you can choose to have Memory Watcher always on top of other windows. If you are running this program in the first place, it is probably because of stack or General Protection errors. Since this is as good a time as any to exit and/or restart Windows, these options are also available from the system menu. Memory Watcher is free. MFC Source code is included. It is not copyright and you may distribute it freely. Memory Watcher is written in C++ using the Microsoft Foundation Class Library. Happing coding!! PS: Please let me know what you think! Todd Osborne Author CIS ID: 71431,2243 **** VERSION 1.1 RELEASE 1/13/94 **** I included the MFC source code with the standard upload. Please feel free to look at this code and/or update MemWatch as you deem necessary. But please, do NOT upload a modified version to CIS or any other media. It would be impossible for me to keep track of 800 different versions. If you have an idea, or code you wrote to modify MemWatch, please let me know. I will integrate your code and give you credit. Thanks! The only thing that was changed from version 1.0 to 1.1 is the addition of user configurable timing. The default timing for 1.0 was 1/2 second and could not be changed. In version 1.1 the default is 1/10 of a second and can be changed from the system pull down menu. Enjoy!